Just what is a โhackโ anyway? It sounds awful, like a phlegmy cough or something that happens in a horror movie. The idea of a โkitchen hackโ sends my mind to places Iโm not sure I want to go. When you say 31 Awesome Kitchen Hacks with Printable, I'm not even sure what you are talking about.
A few months ago a pasta company asked me to give a few โkitchen hacksโ in my post where I used their item in a recipe. Honestly, I had to research exactly what they were asking for. I didnโt know for sure what a โhackโ was.
Imagine my surprise when I found out that a kitchen hack is just โgood olโ southern kitchen engineeringโ or possibly โkitchen know-howโ. We donโt always have the exact tool we need in the kitchen, right? Yeah. Besides why waste good money when you have something at home that works equally well, right? Here is my short video to demonstrate a few of these hacksโฆ
Iโm sure you know a few tricks in the kitchen too! If you would like to share some, Iโll keep a list and when we have collected enough, Iโll share them as another list giving you TOTAL credit for your hack! Doesnโt that sound like a fun group project?
Anyway, for EASY PRINTING, I included a FREE PRINTABLE to go along with this post. You can get YOUR free printable by clicking the link at the bottom of this page. It is THREE pages long. Just scroll till you see the Tan Colored Image that says 31 Great Kitchen Hacks by Loaves and Dishes - Print Yours Here. You can click the image to be taken to the printable OR you can click the "CLICK HERE" just below that.
31 Awesome Kitchen Hacks with Printable
- Save the rubber bands from broccoli or other grocery store items. Use them to wrap around half used bags of items you want to keep fresh. Ex. Half a bag of pecans - roll the top down tight and wrap a rubber band around the entire contents. Keeps the bag closed tightly and keeps the pecans fresh.
- When finished with a BOX of wine (yeah, I know, Iโm classy). Poke a hole in the empty bag to drain the remaining contents from the bag. I mean, come on, you paid for it!
- When a wine box is completely empty, remove the interior bag and the box flaps from the top of the box and you can use the box as a plastic grocery bag keeper - dispensing the bags from where the wine spout used to be.
- To remove egg shell from an egg you have just broken open, use half the egg shell as a scoop to get the piece that is lodged inside the egg - the broken piece of egg shell clings to the scooper shell can be easily scooped out this way.
- When using parchment paper, wad the parchment paper up into a ball and then smooth out onto your baking sheet to keep the ends from rolling up.
- When baking a chocolate cake, use cocoa powder to dust the inside of your cake pan rather than flour for enhanced chocolate taste (you can use espresso powder instead to add a deep rich flavor to your cake - no worries, it wonโt taste like coffee).
- Care for your wooden spoons and other wooden kitchen utensils by occasionally treating them to a mineral oil bath. Pour food-grade mineral oil into a 9x13 pan to โ th inch depth, lay the clean utensils in the pan for at least 15 minutes, then flip and let soak on the other side for 15 minutes. Remove and wipe away the excess oil. Let dry for 24 hours. Donโt forget to keep your cutting boards in good shape with food-grade mineral oil as well.
- Donโt have a large kitchen pot for making pasta? You can use a skillet in about half the time. Simple heat ยพ filled skillet with water. Add the pasta and allow to boil in the skillet for about 10 minutes. Stir occasionally.
- When making hard boiled eggs - put them back in the egg crate and mark the end that is facing up with a "B" (for boiled) using an ink pen.
- For a household with only 1 or two people - save loaf bread by freezing 2- 4 slices together in a quart freezer bag. Then just remove what you need for the next day or two from the freezer.
- When smashing multiple garlic cloves, use a meat pounder rather than the flat edge of a knife to safely and quickly smash many garlic cloves as once.
- Save those last few brownies and cookies that are near stale by smashing them into pieces and freezing them in a quart sized freezer bag - use as toppings for desserts and ice cream.
- A little splash of white vinegar on a wooden cutting board stain for things like pomegranates or cherries will usually remove the stain right away when allowed to soak for a few minutes.
- A turning spatula makes a great stirring utensil for soups when turned around the other way.
- A bungee cord stretched and secured across the front of your spice cabinet will keep of the bottles from falling out when you start to dig for the one you want.
- A small piece of double sided tape on the inside of your cabinet door can be used to separate coffee filters - just dab the bottom of the pile of filters on the tape and only the bottom filter will stick.
- Not sure you have your hamburger meat seasoned properly? Pinch off a small piece (about a teaspoon or so) and microwave it on high for about 30 secs (until cooked through) to taste - this will give you a good idea.
- Are sticky foods like dried fruits or garlic sticking to your knife? Give the knife a spritz with non-stick cooking spray before you chop OR oil with a tiny bit of olive oil before you start and these items will stick to your knife less.
- Want crispy chicken skin - but forget to salt overnight? Simple. Just pat the chicken dry with paper towels, salt the skin and then use a hair dryer set on high while waving it back and forth over the chicken for a couple of minutes (till it looks dry). The chicken will roast just right with perfect crispy skin.
- Use plastic hair covers/shower caps (plastic disposable ones are about 0.99c for 20) as easy disposable plastic bowl covers.
Shower caps - 15 for 0.94c simply cover your Crockpot Chicken Chili Corn Chip pie with a new shower cap and it is ready for the fridge! - Keep guacamole from turning brown by placing the plastic wrap right down on top of the guacamole (so it touches the dip) and seal around the edges of the bowl tightly.
- Did you buy a fruit that isnโt quite ripe? Put it in a paper bag with a banana for quicker ripening.
- Is your banana just bending at the stem end when you try to peel it - bruising your fruit? If so, just pinch the bottom end to gently peel it open.
- Is it time to freeze corn and you need to make quick work of removing the kernel from the cob? Use a bundt pan to hold the cob and simply cut down - the kernels fall right in the bowl of the bundt pan.
- Remember that rubber band you saved from the broccoli? Use it to open a tough jar. Wrap it on the jar lid and it gives your hand extra traction to open the jar.
- Did you forget to put the butter out to come to room temperature for your baking project? Grate it using the large holes of a kitchen grater and then allow it to sit at room temp for about 10 minutes.
- Save fresh herbs by chopping and placing in an ice cube tray - using just enough water to barely cover the herbs.
- Extend the life of nuts (Pecans, walnuts, peanuts, etc - doesnโt work on husbands) - by keeping in the freezer.
- Keep coffee fresh by keeping in the freezer.
- Microwave gunky? Put a cup of water in the microwave and heat on high for 5-10 minutes. Keep the door closed when it is done for another 5-10 minutes. Carefully remove the water from the microwave and gently pour down the sink. Easily wipe the inside of the microwave clean - any thing clinging to the inside will be wet and ready to wipe up. For particularly difficult stains, repeat.
- Remember that rubber band from the broccoli? Use it as an impromptu child safety door keeper. Stretch it between two of your kitchen cabinet door handles to keep little toddlers safe when visiting your non-childproofed home.
- You might also enjoy 5 Cooking Hacks to help in the Kitchen.
Click the image above or CLICK HERE for your free Printable with 31 Awesome Kitchen Hacks from Loaves and Dishes
You can just shoot me an email at wendi(at sign)loavesanddishes.net OR you can hit reply to any of those emails that I send you and it will come right to my in box! I love love love to chat about these things, so, if you just want to chat - you can drop me a line too.
I never know what to write here on "a verse to share". I just let the Spirit guide me when it's time to add this part. I don't know why - but today I am led to share this verse. The only thing I can say about it is, "Yes, Lord, Yes". Do you ever look at world events and wonder what is happening? Why we are at war with one another? Why we hate? Yeah, I don't know either.
I'll just leave it at that. The words can speak to you. God doesn't really need me inserting anything into this reading.
Ephesians 2: 11-22
Therefore, remember that formerly you who are Gentiles by birth and called โuncircumcisedโ by those who call themselves โthe circumcisionโ (which is done in the body by human hands)โ remember that at that time you were separate from Christ, excluded from citizenship in Israel and foreigners to the covenants of the promise, without hope and without God in the world. But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near by the blood of Christ.
For he himself is our peace, who has made the two groups one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility, by setting aside in his flesh the law with its commands and regulations. His purpose was to create in himself one new humanity out of the two, thus making peace, and in one body to reconcile both of them to God through the cross, by which he put to death their hostility. He came and preached peace to you who were far away and peace to those who were near. For through him we both have access to the Father by one Spirit.
Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and strangers, but fellow citizen with Godโs people and also members of his household, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone. In him the whole building is joined together and rises to become a holy temple in the Lord. And in him you too are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by his Spirit.
Sylvie says
Hi Wendy, thank you for sharing , specialy enjoyed the dusting with chocolat powder or coffee , makes one think of other powder to dust instead of flour in the pan .
Wendi Spraker says
Thanks Sylvie! It DOES make you wonder! Enjoy!
Mary says
What fantastic ideas! I'll be incorporating these in the future. Pinned. Thanks for sharing! Have a good rest of the weekend.
Wendi Spraker says
Hi Mary!!! Thank you so much for the kind comments! Kitchen hacks are fun! I bet you have a few up your sleeve too! ?
Carol says
Hi Wendi! It is me again, still reeling from my deeeeeelicious maple pumpkin loaf. I still may be a bit giddy from the wonderful smell throughout my kitchen from those wonderful loaves baking.Alas, our hot water tank and fridge both gave out this week, so it has not been much fun! I just want to tell you that these "hacks" are pure genius.I was fighting with that parchment paper awhile back and wondering why they put it on rolls. Seems like they should sell it in flat sheets like they do at restaurants where I have worked. Never occurred to me to just beat it up.I will try it and I also really love the idea of dusting chocolate cake tins with cocoa instead of flour! Who would 've knew? It seems to make such perfect sense when you hear it, but you have been doing it different all this time. Hehe. Thanks for so many wonderful tips. I will not call them hacks, that is a word I don't really like either.
Wendi Spraker says
Hi Carol!! Thank you so much for chatting with me here! Sounds like you are having another grandma week! If you were closer, I would give you a hug! These kinds of thing are so fun! I discovered the parchment thing by losing my temper and then thinking better of it! Lol. Either way, if you have any tips, please share I know other readers would love to know. ๐ wishing you peace and a better day.