Did you ever forget to take the steak out of the freezer and now it’s almost dinner time and you are faced with the frozen pizza or running up the street to go through the drive thru? I’ve done it too. In fact, I did it today. That’s why I’m going to share How to Thaw A Steak Fast with you! No need to miss that glorious steak dinner!
Why This Recipe Works:
- Fast
- Easy
- Inexpensive
- You have ZERO risk of ruining a steak this way
Here’s How It’s Done:
Remove the steak from the freezer.
Run a large bowl of room temperature water. (slightly warmish).
Make sure the steak is in a sealed plastic bag (zip log style), squeeze out most of the air, and put the steak in to soak. (Place something heavy on it if it wants to float). Change the water every 15 minutes.
If your steak is in a styrofoam tray, soak upside down inside a zip lock until the tray will come off. Then remove the tray, replace the steaks securely in the bag and soak until thawed. Keep the bag sealed at all times while steak is in the water.
Frequently Asked Questions:
How to Defrost a Steak In The Microwave:
WAIT! STOP! Don’t try to defrost your steak in the microwave! Use the method described below in the recipe card.
If you INSIST on thawing in the microwave, you’ll need to understand the following:
Defrosting in the microwave usually leads to hot spots and when you cook your steak, you will have places in your steak that are more done than others,
It can be tricky to defrost a steak this way and can take a lot of hands on time while risking ruining your steak.
Here’s How:
- Place the steak on a microwave safe plate, loosely cover with plastic wrap.
- Set your microwave on the thawing function.
- Input the weight of your steak into the microwave settings.
- Push Start.
- Check your steak every 1 minute to ensure that it is thawing evenly and isn’t cooking in some spots and not in others.
If you want to defrost your steak in a hurry and have none of those risks, read on.
How to Defrost Steak In A Hurry?
If you want to defrost steak in a hurry, simply follow the instructions given below, believe me, it is the safest way to cook and eat a frozen steak!
How Long to Defrost a Steak at Room Temperature?
The length of time it takes to defrost a steak at room temperature depends on the size and thickness of the steak.
Allowing a steak to defrost by laying it out on the counter to thaw, isn’t the safest way to do so.
Defrosting in such a way can hold the steak at a dangerous microbe level for longer than is safe and could cause illness.
Instead, it’s best to thaw steak in the refrigerator overnight or use the method described below.
That said, a ½ lb steak will usually thaw sitting out at room temperature in 8 hours.
Can I Grill a Frozen Steak?
Actually, there is a way to grill a frozen steak, however, this method requires:
- Mastery of your grill
- A good quality thermometer to check the temp of your steak.
- Must be a thick steak
- The steak must have been frozen properly (ie individually)
If you feel confident about all of these things, then I recommend that you check out the epicurious article about grilling frozen steaks. It’s a recipe for real pros.
However, if you are something less of a pro than that (like me), then take 30 minutes before dinner to just use my easy instructions here, you really can’t go wrong.
Tips and Tricks
- Make sure the steak is sealed in a zip lock type plastic bag and as much of the air is removed as possible. This helps the warmth of the water to defrost the steak as quickly as possible.
- If there is more than one steak stuck together, as soon as you can break them apart, do so and then keep them in one layer for defrosting.
- If water gets into your bag, don’t worry. Just pour it out as quickly as possible and then seal it back up and keep allowing it to defrost,.
Proceed with seasoning the steak when it is thawed completely. - When the steak is already in a vacuum sealed bag, just place that into the water.
- Supposing you froze your steak in the styrofoam plate that it came from the store in, place the entire package into a zip bag and float upside down in the water.
- Check every 10 minutes or so and as soon as you are able to remove the packaging, do so, return to the zip bag and continue thawing.
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How To Thaw A Steak Fast
- 1 lb Steak to be thawed
- Place the steak into a zip lock type bag. Remove as much air as possible and zip closed.
- Run room temperature water into a large bowl.
- Place the bagged steak into the water and submerge. If the steak wants to float, submerge with a plate, bowl or something heavy.
- Check the steak in 15 minutes and change the water if it has cooled substantially.
- Repeat until the steak has thawed
- Make sure the steak is sealed in a zip lock type plastic bag and as much of the air is removed as possible. This helps the warmth of the water to defrost the steak as quickly as possible.
- If there is more than one steak stuck together, as soon as you can break them apart, do so and then keep them in one layer for defrosting.
- If water gets into your bag, don’t worry. Just pour it out as quickly as possible and then seal it back up and keep allowing it to defrost,.
- Proceed with seasoning the steak when it is thawed completely.
- If the steak is already in a vacuum sealed bag, just place that into the water.
- Supposing you froze your steak in the styrofoam plate that it came from the store in, place the entire package into a zip bag and float upside down in the water. Check every 10 minutes or so and as soon as you are able to remove the packaging, do so, return to the zip bag and continue thawing.
Here we are in a time when we can't really get out and see each other. It's difficult to be good to your neighbor when you aren't allowed to be close. I'm sure you are creative enough to figure out some ways to help though. You are smart.
Hebrews 13:16
Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God.
Julie says
Needed to thaw some ribeyes quickly and I never use the microwave to thaw, so this was perfect!
Wendi Spraker says
Microwave thawing would just make you mad anyway. lol.
Wendi Spraker says
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