Loaves and Dishes welcomes your participation in this website. In order to keep the experience positive for everyone, we ask that you play nice: no bad language (our opinion- not yours!), no snarky comments and stay on topic. Also, we are not responsible for any comments other than our own. Troll-like comments are removed and trolls are blocked from the website permanently.
Thatโs the down home version. Here it is in legalese:
- Comment Form Guidelines: The comment form must be filled in with a proper or legitimate name and email. Comments using keywords or spam URLs, or suspicious information in the comment form will be edited or deleted.
- Email Privacy: Email addresses are required for commenting, and they are not published on the site nor shared. They may be used by the owner to privately contact the commenter.
- Commenter Privacy and Protection: All email, snail mail, phone numbers, and any private and personal information posted in any comment will be deleted as soon as possible to protect the privacy of the commenter. To prevent such editing, never share this private information within the comment.
- Language and Manners: Loaves and Dishes is โfamily friendlyโ and comments which include offensive or inappropriate language (again, as determined by me), or considered by the editors or the administrator to be rude and offensive, will be edited or deleted and the commentor blocked from ever visiting the site again.
- A Comment is Conversation: A comment which does not add to the conversation, runs off on an inappropriate tangent, or kills the conversation may be edited, moved, or deleted.
- Limit Links: This site is set up to automatically hold all comments in moderation status, a link may delay your comment from appearing on this site. Any comment with links could be marked as comment spam.
- How Wendi and Sarah Respond: Comments on this site are only responded to in direct response to the comment.
- What To Do If Your Comment Does Not Appear: If you leave a comment on Loaves and Dishes and it does not appear in a reasonable time period, and you know that it does not violate these Comment Policies, contact the blog editors at administrator@loavesanddishes.net (remember, be nice). Due to vacations, illness or time off, it could take up to a week for a comment to appear, although that is not the goal. We strive to answer comments as quickly as possible.