So EASY to save cream cheese for later! Save a ton of money and time by learning how to freeze!

Why This Recipe Works
- Its FAST
- You probably already have everything you need.
- Saves Money!
Here’s How It’s Done
STEP 1. Gather your items and sharpie marker. Label the bag with the ingredients, today’s date and a “USE BY” date (6 months from now). Place the cream cheese into the zip lock bag and squeeze out as much air as possible. Seal the bag with air removed.
STEP 2. Place them into the icebox in the bag and lay as flat as possible.
How To Freeze cream cheese.
Place the cream cheese into a resealable freezer quality plastic bag, push the air out. Seal and label the bag. Place into the freezer laying it as flat as possible.
How To Use Frozen cream cheese.
We LOVE it in these recipes…
Frequently Asked Questions about How To Freeze cream cheese (FAQ’s)
Can It Be Frozen?
Yes, absolutely you can! It’s easy and fast and will save you a ton of money in the long run. Simply follow the instructions in the recipe card below.
Can I Freeze a Package of Cream Cheese?
Yes, you can! You can put the package directly into the freezer the way it comes from the store if it is not opened yet. Only keep it this way for up to 1 month.
Can I Freeze Philadelphia Cream Cheese?
Yes! You Sure Can! You can do this with ANY brand ! They all work!
Can Unopened Cream Cheese Be Frozen?
Yes! Absolutely! The directions below will guide your way!
How Long Can I Freeze Cream Cheese?
You can safely keep cream cheese frozen for 3-6 months if it is wrapped well.
What Do I Do With Frozen Cream Cheese?
Save it until you need it for a recipe or to use on your toast and bagel! Then, just thaw it and it is ready for whatever you want to use it for!
How Do I Make My Frozen Cream Cheese Creamy Again?
If you notice that it became a little crusty in the icebox allow it to thaw completely and then heat gently in the microwave for 30 seconds. Stir carefully and repeat in 30 second intervals.
How Do I Remove Lumps from My Cream Cheese?
If you are making a sauce with your previously frozen cream cheese, simply use a whisk and whisk like crazy to remove lumps.
Does Freezing Cream Cheese Change How It Tastes?
- No, this does not change the taste. Instead, it maintains the them with no noticeable taste, texture or melting qualities.
- Do I Need to Thaw cream cheese Before Using It In a Recipe?
- You DO need to thaw them before using because you won’t be able to separate them to use in your recipe when they are frozen together.
How Do I Thaw Frozen cream cheese?
Put the bag of cream cheese in the refrigerator the day before you plan to use the cream cheese
Place the cream cheese into a ziplock type bag, seal it, float it in a large bowl of tepid water for 20-30 minutes.
How To Do It to Avoid Freezer Burn.
- The main points to avoid freezer burn.
- Make sure there is no air in the bag.
- Make sure there are no holes in your freezer bag.
- Keep it at a steady temp as close to 0 as possible.
How to Know If It's Bad
If you notice….
- The cream cheese appears encased in ice crystals or frost
- cream cheese is very light colored and dry
- It has been in the ice box longer than 6 months.
- There was a lot of air in the package
- Here's a place where you can learn more than you ever wanted to know about cream cheese!
Want to Know More About Freezing and Thawing?
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How to Freeze Cream Cheese
- 8 oz cream cheese any brand
- Label the freezer bag with a sharpie marker to indicate what will be in the bag and how many. Label with today's date and a "USE BY" date (6 months to 1 year from now).
- Place the cheese into the freezer bag and lay flat
- Squeeze as much air as possible from the bag.
- Seal the bag.
- Place the bag of cheese into the freezer and lay flat so that they will freeze flat.
- Use good quality freezer bags (this doesn't necessarily mean name brand). Just check to make sure that the bag feels heavy and thick in your hand and that the seal works very well.
- It's so easy to use the type of bag with the zippers, but I've had more bag failures with the zipper bags than with the press and seal type bags.
- Buy yourself a sharpie marker to keep in the kitchen in your "junk" drawer OR tape it to the front of your freezer bag box. Then you'll always have one.
- The flater that you can make the bag, the better for saving space in your freezer.
- When putting things in the freezer, put the newer things on the bottom of the stack so that the older things are near the top and you'll use those first.
- Squeeze air out of the bag after you put the meat into the bag by rolling it up. Air in the bag will equal freezer burn later.
SammiJo says
What is the recipe to the chicken dish w/cream sauce & cheese in the photo on this page?
I’ve grown more variety in my garden this year than in recent years before. Sadly, my grandmother passed some thirty years ago, Mom passed almost twenty years ago, and I lost my beloved (like a 2nd mom to me) mil three days before Mother’s Day this year so nobody is left that I could simply pick up the phone to ask for a refresher on freezing. This year I have an over abundance of mini sweet peppers, cayenne peppers, & a greenish-yellow hot pepper that I’m unsure of it’s variety. One of my bil’s & a friend of his sends extra plants my way at the start of growing season, hence extra peppers… Your site has provided refresher info that I desperately needed. Thank you.
Tossing a perfectly healthy plant feels almost sacrilegious to me; hwr, this year I had to toss some bc I was simply out of room, even after adding two more rows. I planted Dixie Lee field peas for my mil & babied those two & a third rows before but esp after she passed. Husband & daughter helped me build a raised bed for lettuce, carrots, arugula, & spinach. I’ll be adding pec pipe & a cover for fall/winter plants that need a space to grow away from the nibbling teeth of a few rabbit families that live in the azalea bushes around my house.
Wendi Spraker says
I love that you are caring for those plants! The dish in that photo is Basil Pesto Chicken
Elaine edgxomb says
Can u freeze cream cheese after baking on the bottom layer of pumpkin poe
Wendi Spraker says
Hi Elaine, I've never tried that, so I just don't know. If you try it could you come back and let us know?
Glenda Davis says
I think your site is great especial for beginners. I was looking for how to cook (season) can peas but not the green peas. I was looking for field peas, crowder peas, purple hull peas. And I found a whole lot of helpful things. Great job!
Wendi Spraker says
Hi Glenda, I'm so glad that you found some things you can use! I hope you found out how to season field peas/crowder peas/etc. If not, let me know and I can cover that too!
Cheri Hoffmann says
This info on freezing cream cheese was extremely helpful; on how long to freeze, what it would look like if it was bad, etc.
Thank you soooooo much!
Wendi Spraker says
So glad I could help!
Linda says
Great tips thanks so much
Wendi Spraker says
You are welcome Linda! 🙂
Wendi Spraker says
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