Do you know that saying, “Easy as Pie”? It should be “Easy as Cobbler!”. Nothing could be more simple than mixing some fresh fruit with sugar and flour and then topping with this simple batter. I promise that when you set it on the table, your family will exclaim, “You LOVE us SO!”. (Ok, not …
Here you go – the perfect food for special occasions OR for every occasion! Seriously, Honey Chipotle Meatballs are that good. Want to know how I know? Because I have served these up on submarine rolls with provolone cheese melted over the top to my children and grandchildren and I have dished these up as …
Remember last fall when I shared my Pumpkin Spice Cupcakes with Pumpkin Cream Cheese Icing with you, the ones I made for my son’s wedding? Yeah they were SO good. Well, who knew that pumpkin cupcakes lead to caprese salad appetizers? I didn’t know it either! But through the magic of food blogs, here it is, …
Ya’ll – CHORI-POLLO is WHERE it is AT! This is my favorite dish when we visit a Mexican Restaurant! (sometimes called Shorty Chicken – don’t ask me why). A drooling mixture of chorizo sausage, chicken breast and the OMG white Mexican queso cheese served with Mexican rice and refried beans. One bite and BOOM! I …
Seriously, ya’ll. Before spring leaves us completely, you HAVE to try this salad. This one, right here! You already know that I am on a strawberry kick (evidence -Strawberry shortcake and How to Make and Can Strawberry Jam ). OK. OK. I know, it has gone well beyond a kick. It is a full blown …
Ya’ll! It’s 5 o’clock somewhere!!! RIGHT HERE as a matter of fact! I hope you will try my new drink sensation!! So light, refreshing and easy to make. I see us sitting around the pool, the sun in our hair, a gentle breeze on our skin – sipping our Fizzy Pink drink! Don’t you? Come …
It is Sunday afternoon and my first day of blogging. Within the next few weeks I hope to be delighting my readers (maybe I’ll have two or so) with delicious recipes and appetizing pictures. As for today – I have been locked out of both my Bluehost page and my WordPress page due to log …