Everyone loves cooking on Cast Iron, the even heat, the non stick surface, the.... Oh wait! Has your non stick surface gone KaPute? Time to learn the steps for How to Season a Cast Iron Skillet!
Seasoning your Cast Iron will keep it beautiful and slick and better than any nonstick surface you have ever owned. It's simple to season a cast iron skillet, just follow the steps below for How to Season a Cast Iron Skillet.
Your first question might be, "But wait, do you REALLY HAVE to season cast iron"? That answer depends on the following: Is the surface beginning to stick? If so, no problem, just season the skillet. Most cast iron required occasional seasoning. It isn't difficult to do.
When you think about it, your nonstick skillets begin to lose their nonstick ability too when they become scratched. I don't care how hard you try to keep them from scratching, it is likely to happen. The difference? Nonstick will not go back on those other pans! Beautiful cast iron is fixable, you can re-season it!
The "seasoning" refers to the pans ability to remain non stick. A well seasoned pan is one that doesn't stick. If you purchased your cast iron brand new, it probably came from the factory preseasoned. Did you buy used? No problem, simply follow the directions below for How to Season a Cast Iron Skillet.
There are several things that will make the seasoning weaken (and, trust me, there is disagreement in the world about what those things are - but this is what I've found to be true). Treating your cast iron harshly will make you have to know How to Season a Cast Iron Skillet even sooner!
- Washing with harsh cleansers.
- Cooking tomato based sauces or other acid foods in the pan.
- Scrubbing the pans with an abrasive pad after use.
- WASHING - Most sources say to NOT wash your cast iron, to rinse and wipe out well. That might be so, but I have never been able to do that. I always feel that they need a little soap and elbow grease. So, I use a mild soap and a soft dish cloth - that usually works fine. If something DOES stick, I use a brillo pad and scrub as lightly as possible to remove the substance.
- COOKING - You can cook whatever you like in your cast iron, but understand that acid dishes (like tomatoes and their juices) may weaken the seasoning in your pan. (No problem, just reseason).
- STORING - After cleaning your pan, allow to air dry completely and then store in a dry location. I keep mine hanging on peg board in my kitchen to keep air circulating.
- RESEASONING - When your pan begins to lose its luster, begins to stick or shows any visible rust colored haze, it is time to reseason. Just follow the directions in How to Season a Cast Iron Skillet.
You may not have shortening in your kitchen. It is ok to use whatever oil you have. Coconut oil is fine. Vegetable oil is fine. I simply find that shortening has worked the best for me.
You only need:
- The Cast Iron in need of seasoning
- An oven
- Aluminum Foil
- Food safe oil (shortening, vegetable oil, coconut oil, etc.)
- A paper towel to wipe the oil on with (optional)
If you search the internets, you will find that everyone has an opinion about the best cast iron. You will hear much of the following:
- Old cast iron is best
- New cast iron is too thin
- Certain brands are best
- Only the most expensive brand will work
All of that is hogwash. Here is my experience, some old cast iron isn't worth a flip. There is old cast iron that is GREAT! You can find new cast iron that is wonderful too! The secret is that you want a nice heavy pan that will distribute the heat evenly. That is it!
I recently WON $250 worth of Lodge Cast Iron (all new) and it is every bit as good as my old cast iron and compared to other world class cookware, it isn't expensive at all. Here is an affiliate link to Amazon so you can go look around - just click the photo - you'll see that it is affordable. I promise, it is good quality!
Here are some excellent recipes that will work GREAT in your newly seasoned cast iron...
Southern Fried Potatoes and Onions
11 Healthy Cast Iron Skillet Recipes
How to Get Rid of Pantry Moths
The skillet in this photo badly needs to be reseasoned. It has a rusty haze. Do you see that it is no longer shiny on the bottom surface? That is because I made spaghetti sauce in this pan. No problem, it gives me a pan to show you, right?
Cover the BOTTOM rack in your oven with aluminum foil (this saves your stove from a mess later). This aluminum foil will catch any drips. How to Season a Cast Iron Skillet
Wipe on a thin layer of shortening. A VERY THIN layer. Don't cake it on. While you do this, preheat your oven to 350.
Turn the pan upside down and place in the oven and bake as directed below. This allows any excess oil to drip out of the pan and keeps it from collecting in the pan.
Final product for How to Season a Cast Iron Skillet
- Clean the skillet well by using a pot scrubber or wire brush. Then wash in hot soapy water. Dry well.
- Cover the bottom rack in your oven with aluminum foil.
- Preheat oven to 350
- Using shortening (or any other oil of your choice โ vegetable oil, coconut oil, grapeseed oil โ absolutely your choice - I use shortening because itโs what I have found works best in my kitchen). Wipe the oil on in a thin but visible coat using a paper towel.
- Put the skillet in the oven upside down on the rack just above the one you have covered with aluminum foil (drips fall on the aluminum foil).
- Keep skillet in the oven at 350 for an hour.
- Turn the oven off and allow the skillet to cool completely in the oven.
- When cool, remove and wash lightly with hot water. Dry completely. Your skillet is seasoned and ready to use!
Please leave me a5 star๐๐๐๐๐commentbelow in the comment section, all right? I would LOVE to know if you made this recipe or even if you are planning to! Of course, head on over to Pinterest, Facebook and Instagram and tag me with some photos of your creation!
I can't wait!
Ya'll know I love your comments!!
These instructions inform the reader how to season a cast iron skillet Reaseason the skillet any time the finish starts to wear. You will find you may need to reseason if you cook something acidic in the pan (like tomato sauce) Clean your pan using very mild soap and water or simply wipe with a paper towel and reuse.How to Season a Cast Iron Skillet
At 6:30 am today, the caller ID announced my youngest daughter's name. I answered the phone and I heard sniffling. I suddenly felt that sinking panicky flush of nerves. If you are a parent, I'm sure you know what I'm talking about.
Before you start to panic too, I want you to know, everything is ok. Just a hard morning for a young adult with some life lessons before her.
After a short discussion, we figured out a plan for her to make it through the day. She didn't really need me or my input, she just wanted the comfort of her mom's voice. Sometimes just knowing someone is there who cares is enough.
Later today, when her classes finish she will come by here. We will discuss some steps for moving through fledgling adulthood so that these things don't continue to happen.
As a mom, it can be very hard to avoid rescuing and allow life to teach its lessons.
This has made me wonder about our heavenly father and what He feels when we, his children, make a mess of our lives and want to be rescued.
I know I have made a mess of my life many times and have prayed, "Dear Lord, please get me out of this. If you will help me THIS ONE TIME, I promise to NEVER do (fill in the blank) again".
Sometimes, God has allowed life to teach its lesson and He didn't immediately bail me out or run to my rescue. In fact, many times he has allowed me to just continue laying in the bed that I made!
I have atheist friends who say, "If your God loved you, wouldn't he help you out?"
The short answer, "No, not really". Bailing me out of my self made misery isn't God's job, actually. I have many many blessings and what I choose to do with them is up to me. Most of the time, my problems are the result of me failing to use my gifts in a way that blesses me and those around me.
Not to mention, when I fail to remember the "unforgiving minute".
I have several things that I TOO want to go to God in prayer over that sound much like my daughter ringing me up at 6:30 am. What I really want is the comfort of knowing that God is there, I am His child, He will listen and help and He has likely already blessed me with the tools to fix my own situation.
That doesn't mean that I will like the solution. It can be painful to be a fledgling adult. Sometimes it is even painful to be an adult adult. That is what prayer is for.
Psalm 17
Hear me, Lord, my plea is just;
listen to my cry.
Hear my prayerโ
it does not rise from deceitful lips.
Let my vindication come from you;
may your eyes see what is right.
Though you probe my heart,
though you examine me at night and test me,
you will find that I have planned no evil;
my mouth has not transgressed.
Though people tried to bribe me,
I have kept myself from the ways of the violent
through what your lips have commanded.
My steps have held to your paths;
my feet have not stumbled.
I call on you, my God, for you will answer me;
turn your ear to me and hear my prayer.
Show me the wonders of your great love,
you who save by your right hand
those who take refuge in you from their foes.
Keep me as the apple of your eye;
hide me in the shadow of your wings
from the wicked who are out to destroy me,
from my mortal enemies who surround me.
They close up their callous hearts,
and their mouths speak with arrogance.
They have tracked me down, they now surround me,
with eyes alert, to throw me to the ground.
They are like a lion hungry for prey,
like a fierce lion crouching in cover.
Rise up, Lord, confront them, bring them down;
with your sword rescue me from the wicked.
By your hand save me from such people, Lord,
from those of this world whose reward is in this life.
May what you have stored up for the wicked fill their bellies;
may their children gorge themselves on it,
and may there be leftovers for their little ones.
As for me, I will be vindicated and will see your face;
when I awake, I will be satisfied with seeing your likeness.
Ro Hughes says
I seasoned my skillet today and when completely cooled. I rinsed it in hot water. The inside of the skillet is tacky. Did I use too much oil?
Wendi Spraker says
Hi Ro, You probably got the oil a little too thick or didn't allow it to stay in the oven long enough for the amount of oil you have applied. It will work fine, just go ahead and use it a time or two OR clean very well, coat with thin coat of oil and reseason per the instructions above.
Ann says
I have an old cast iron (probably 20 years old!) that badly needs reseasoning. Oh yes, first, thorough cleaning as itโs rusty. I found your instructions easy so Iโm going to use it to bring back my cast iron skillet back to life. Iโll take a Before and After pictures.
Thank you in advance.
Wendi Spraker says
Oh Ann! You made my Saturday! I canโt wait to see how it turns out. ๐
Bernie ~ A Gouda Life says
Such great information as always Wendi! Thanks so much. Just moved this to the top of my To Do List.
Nancy says
Do you season the outside and bottom of the skillet?
Wendi Spraker says
Hi Nancy, that completely depends on your skillet. If it is rusty or corroded at all then yes. Go ahead. If it looks a little caked up or doesnโt seem to need anything then no n
Lawrence O Moberly says
How do I clean the cast iron skillet that has become rusty?
Wendi Spraker says
Hi Lawrence. The best way is to use fine steel wool and remove as much of the rust as possible. Then wash thoroughly with warm water and mild dish soap. Allow the skillet to fully air dry and then season as per the instructions in this post. Feel free to email or post more comments if you have more questions. My email is wendi(at sign) loavesanddishes.net
Laura says
Thanks so much! I just bought my first one at a thrift shop believe it or not 20 minutes after I was looking for one in the store but put it back because of the price! Total God thing โบ๏ธ Thanks for the tutorial Iโve veen scared to search how to do this because I thought it was a complicated process. And thanks for the verses and encouragement!
Wendi Spraker says
God is good Laura! I'm so glad you found what you need. Love a good deal! ๐
Phyllis Everly says
I found in my storage several cast iron skillets of different sizes . I have a glass top stove. Can I use them on it?
Wendi Spraker says
Yes definitely! Just don't slide them across the top of the stove.
sam says
these are by far the best non sticking pans I have bought EVER - great quality for a good price
Thank you!
Patty says
Do i ever use non stick spray??
Wendi Spraker says
Hi Patty - I'm not really clear about your question. But I have never needed to use nonstick spray for cooking in my cast iron that is properly seasoned.
PJ Schoenecke says
All this information has been very helpful. Just started using Cast iron skillet again. Failed horribly in the past. My grandmother had perfect skillets and used them for so many meals that were fabulous. I started again with 1 skillet several months ago and falling more and more in love it that I bought a second one. Wendy both you and Mark True have excellent info. My grandmother cleaned hers like Mark. I am like you always washing with soap, but now trying grandmas cleaning method. You kept my new cast iron alive.
Thank you so much for the awesome advice. May the cast iron skillet live on.
Wendi Spraker says
Awwww. Thanks PJ!! I have had mine for years and I still lightly wash with soap and water and then reseason when needed. It works for me. Glad it works for you too!!
Brandy says
I just want to say DO NOT use shortening. It left a sticky film on mine. Vegetable Oil will work.
Wendi Spraker says
Hi Brandy. Thanks for leaving a comment. I'm sorry yours turned out sticky. It does need to be a very thin coat.
Nancy says
Wendi, I too learned of the benefits of cooking with cast iron. I looked up all the different seasoning methods and seasoned my two BRAND NEW pans. My question is: food still sticks. Is it because they are new? Should I use some sort of cooking oil each & every time I use them? I bought them at Target, they have an enamel on the outside. I have to be honest; I'm not happy cooking with them, they are a pain! Any words of wisdom would be appreciated!
Wendi Spraker says
Hi Nancy. I guess I have more questions. What method for seasoning did you end up using. What brand are your pans? What did you cook that is still sticking? What kind of spatula are you using? How are you cleaning your pans?
Sherri Petterez says
The trick I find with cooking with a good quality cast iron pan and keeping food from sticking (besides making sure it's well seasoned) is the pan MUST be super hot before you start to cook. As I start prepping for dinner I put the pan on the burner and keep the burner on low. When I'm ready to use it I raise the burner a little higher (usually medium). That usually does the trick. As long as your pan is well seasoned, and super duper hot prior to cooking nothing should stick.
Wendi Spraker says
Hi Sherri - thanks for the comment. I think it is true that the pan must be warm first. I let mine warm up first as well. I wouldn't call it "super hot" - but warm - and it does take a while for a cast iron pan to become warm since the metal is so much thicker and heavier than a stainless or non stick pan. I think that like you mention - it takes a while to learn what tricks work for you. Thanks for reading Loaves and Dishes! ๐ w
Samantha says
I received my dads cast iron pans after he passed and didn't know how to season them. This was very informative and am preheating the oven now! Thanks so much!
Wendi Spraker says
Awww. Samantha. That is so nice! I hope you have a long and terrific relationship with those cast iron pans!! Let me know how it turns out. ๐
John says
Love to bbq and also cooking with cast iron
I sometimes put my cast.iron in over at 400for aboitv1.5 h) then let it come down
Wendi Spraker says
Hi John! Do you put any type of grease on it first?
Mark True Sr says
I have a different way to clean my Cast Iron Pan, I was told never to use any kind of soap. I rinse out the pan with hot water, if the Pan does not come clean because of stuck on food. I put water in the Pan then on the burner until it boils. Let cool down then Olive oil the Pan scrub with Kosher Salt and paper towel. I do like the reseasoning method, Have never tried that. I just make sure my Cast Iron Pan is oiled before putting away.
Wendi Spraker says
GREAT advice Mark! So right, I have been told the same thing - no soap. My own compulsivity won't hardly let me do that! lol. That might just me. You have a terrific way of caring for your Cast Iron! You might NEVER have to re-season your pans! If you do though- this method works great! Thanks so much for sharing your advice with our Community here at Loaves and Dishes! I hope you will be back soon!
Patty says
I have several cast iron pieces. Mark, that is how my mother cared for her cast iron skillet and it was one of the most beloved pieces after she passed. It was like glass on the inside...so I do the same thing. Thanks for sharing.
Tasha Williams says
Hi, my name is Tasha and I am new to google+ and just beginning my adventures in food. I found this super informative and I wanted to let you know I did as you said and it worked great! Very insightful. Have a great day... Tasha
wendi.spraker@yahoo.com says
Hi Tasha! So glad that you found this informative! I hope you will visit again soon! ๐