That southern country wonder: Chicken Fried Steak. It is the best meal you ever cooked or the worst frustration you ever encountered. Have you ever tried to make a perfectly breaded chicken fried steak only to have all of the breading to slip off in the frying pan?
How about yucky clumpy gravy? Yeah,I’ve done it too, but not anymore because I'm sharing The Secret to Perfect Chicken Fried Steak.
Let’s take a minute and talk about what makes chicken fried steak perfect anyway?
- A crispy breading?
- Lots of flavor when you crunch into the meat?
- A tasty gravy?
- All of the above?
Can I get an AMEN?
I thought so.
Chicken Fried steak is simply a beef cube steak that is breaded and fried like a piece of fried chicken. Cube steak is a cut of beef that is naturally pretty tough.
You will see that it has been run through the tenderizer (a machine that makes small cuts all over) at the grocery store.
These cuts help the breading to stay on, but you will need the rest of the SECRET to have the perfect Chicken Fried Steak.
Yes, chicken fried steak is beef and it is ok if it is a little pink in the middle. However, if you follow my recipe, this shouldn't be a problem.
Start with a pretenderized beef cube steak. The steak will look like it has been in a losing knife fight.
If your beef cube steak is thicker than ½ an inch, then use a meat tenderizing pounder to pound it out to ½ an inch.
Chicken fried steak is similar but it is not a schnitzel. Schnitzel is an Austrian dish made of veal or pork. This Chicken fried steak is made out of a beef cube steak.
OH the GRAVY is the best part, isn't it!?! Simply follow the instructions in the recipe card at the end of this post for the best gravy you ever put your tongue on.
You will use the drippings from the chicken fried steak and add flour, milk, salt and pepper and you will be in business in no time! See the photo?
Should it really be a secret? I mean, come on, we have eaten delicious chicken fried steak our whole lives, right?
Our Chicken Fried steak hasn’t been prepared by a secret chef behind xray proof walls. We simply waited for some delicious southern yum to jump in our mouths after mom said, “Dinner is ready!”. I mean, am I right? Yeah, I know it.
This time though, we are paying attention!
PRO TIP: One thing you'll need is The Best Way to Freeze Chicken (Easy Freezing) method that I've outlined here!
We WANT a crispy breading, right?
To achieve that we need:
- The right pan for the job
- A proper amount of oil in the pan
- Cooking oil at the right temperature
- The meat must be dried off very well
- A three stage breading process
- Warm oven
- Paper towel covered pan in the oven for the pieces that are finished
You will need a good heavy pan for this job . A cast iron 9” skillet is ideal but a good quality heavy stainless steel pan will also work.
Pour enough oil in the pan so that the oil is at least ¼ of an inch deep and not much more than that.
If you have a thermometer, DON’T use it. You probably won’t be able to get a good reading in ¼ inch of oil.
Instead, put the oil in and place your burner on medium. Watch for the oil to start to glisten and shimmer on the surface.
You DO NOT want the oil smoking. Just glistening.
Dip your fingers in some water and flick some into the pan and then listen. If the oil pops and cracks with some energy then it is ready.
If the popping is slow then let it heat more. DO NOT try to cook your steaks until the oil is popping and cracking hot.
If it is SO HOT that it is sputtering out on you when you do this then it is TOO hot!
Wet meat will not hold the breading. The breading slides right off because the meat will begin to steam as it cooks (because what does water turn into when it heats? Steam!!)
So, before you attempt to make this dish, remove the meat from the package and place on several layers of paper towel.
Use several layers of paper towel to dry the surface as well . I smash it a little as I dry it to squeeze any extra water out of the meat.
Then apply the Kosher salt to both sides and let it set for about 5 minutes or more and then dry it again with fresh paper towel.
Go ahead and admit it - this is going to make some dirty dishes and there isn’t really a way around it. You could do the flour breading on a paper plate - but that increases your trash pile instead.
Make sure that the dishes for breading are large enough for the meat pieces and so that you can move the meat around some to make sure it is completely covered in flour.
You will be making THREE breading plates
- Plate number one will contain plain flour - nothing else.
- The second will contain an egg/milk mixture
- A third plate will contain flour, corn meal and seasonings.
Do things in THAT specific order. It is important to NOT bread your meat until you are ready to put it in the hot oil.
So , if you can , have the breading station NEAR to the stove. (Just trying to help you avoid a mess).
One of the most important secrets when cooking your steak is to NOT overcrowd the pan. You never want to have more than 2 steaks in the pan at the same time.
Never have more than 70% of the bottom of the pan covered with steak.
If you have more than that - the steaks will simply steam each other - and that will cause the breading to fall off. Avoid steam!
Once the first piece of chicken fried steak is cooked, there will be more to cook. You will need a place to keep your first one!
- Have the oven preheated to the warming setting, if you have that but if not , then the lowest setting at about 175.
- Place an oven safe plate or a cookie sheet in the oven with a paper towel on it to drain any remaining grease.
- Gently place the cooked chicken fried steak on the dish and let it rest while you cook the rest and add any other completed steaks to the dish but do not stack them on top of one another.
This allows the steak to rest and keeps the breading crispy until you are ready to eat!
The secret to a flavorful breading is SEASONING. It may seem that I am having you to LOAD the final breading up with a LOT of seasoning and I am. That is because there is a lot of stuff to overcome before the flavor ever gets on your tastebuds.
Just add the ingredients and mix it up and then make that the final dip for your steak before it goes in the oil.
A tasty gravy is had simply by using what you have in front of you! Once you have finished your steaks - you have a pan with some lumpy bumps in the bottom! Those bumps are FULL OF FLAVOR!
- Start by pouring the grease off. Just leave a little in the pan and try not to pour the lumpy bumps out.
- Then add the flour to the bumps and cook the flour for about 1- 2 minutes and stir it in the pan - you will feel like a dummy cooking plain ol flour - but trust me - you’ll be glad you did when your gravy doesn’t taste like plain flour!
- Cooking the flour for a minute or so - takes that dry flour taste out.
- Then, just add the milk and cook per the directions - it will thicken up and be wonderful sweet savory gravy in just a few minutes.
And now you have it - the secrets to the PERFECT chicken fried steak!
- A perfect crispy breading
- The breading is packed with flavor
- A tasty gravy.
What more could you ask for?
The Secret to Perfect Pinto Beans
The Secret to Perfect Chicken Fried Steak
For the Steaks
- 1 - 2 lb package of cube steaks
- Kosher salt
- ½ cup all purpose flour
- 2 large eggs - beaten
- ½ cup whole milk
- ½ cup all purpose flour
- 2 tbs corn meal
- 1 teaspoon garlic powder
- 1 teaspoon onion powder
- ½ teaspoon chili powder
- 1 teaspoon paprika
- 1 tbs dried parsley
- ½ teaspoon ground black pepper
- 1 teaspoon kosher salt (If using table salt, use ½ tsp)
For the Gravy
- Drippings from the steaks
- 2 Tbs all purpose flour
- 3 Cups whole milk
- Salt and pepper to taste
- Instructions
- Preheat the oven to warming setting or 175 if you do not have a warming setting on your oven. Place an oven safe dish (plate or cookie sheet) covered with a layer or two of paper towel to absorb any extra grease.
- Put the steaks on a double layer of paper towels and using a second double layer of paper towels, dry the steaks well. Press down on the steaks to remove as much water as is possible to remove.
- Sprinkle the steaks well with kosher salt and set aside.
- Heat a heavy skillet on medium heat on the stove top with ¼ inch of vegetable oil in the bottom of the pan.
- When the oil is glistening and pops and crackles vividly when water is sprinkled in the pan, then it is ready for the steaks. While the oil is heating, set up the 3 dish breading station as described in next step.
- Set up three dishes for a breading station - make sure that the dishes are large enough to accommodate the pieces of steak plus the ingredients. For dish one, simply place ½ cup of all purpose flour. In the second dish, mix the 2 large eggs and the ½ cup of whole milk together well. For the third dish, mix ½ cup of all purpose flour, corn meal, garlic powder, onion powder, paprika, parsley, chili powder, 1 teaspoon salt and 1 teaspoon of black pepper.
- When the oil is hot and ready, give the steaks a final pat with paper towels to remove and remaining water and then dip the first steak in the the first breading - plain flour only. Immediately dip into the egg and milk mix. Then transfer to the seasoned flour mix - pat the flour onto the steak well.
- Gently place the floured steak into the oil and it should sizzle actively - it should not be smoking or have a burning smell - if so - then the oil is too hot. If it is not sizzling actively then the oil is too cold. It is IMPORTANT to have the oil at the right temp.
- Generally, you can safely cook 2 steaks in a 9” pan together. Do not bread up more steaks than you can cook right now.
- Add the steaks as you get them breaded - one at a time - not all at once. If you add them all at once - the cooking oil will change temp and it wont’ be the right temp for cooking your steaks.
- Allow the steaks to cook about 3 minutes per side then move to the oven to your plate waiting with paper towel on it.
For the Gravy
- Once all of your steaks are cooked and in the oven. Turn the oven temp to off while you create your delicious gravy! In the pan that you cooked the steaks in, pour the grease off. Allow all of the little bits of steak to remain in the pan - and a little grease too - maybe as much as a few tablespoons.
- Add 2 tbs of flour to the grease left in the pan and cook on the stove top over medium high heat for 1- 2 minutes (the flour will start to look tan to brown in color).
- Add the milk all at once - it will sizzle a little - don’t worry.
- Constantly stir the milk using a wooden spoon and scrape the flavorful bits from the bottom of the pan as you do so.
- As the gravy begins to boil - turn the heat down to medium or medium low. Keep stirring until thickened.
- Taste and if it needs more flavor - add salt and pepper until it tastes just right.
- Serve the chicken fried steak over mashed potatoes and top with the gravy.
- Make sure the meat is very dry before starting the breading process.
- Use the three stage breading process as described in the recipe.
- Make sure the oil is the right temperature.
- DO NOT crowd the steaks!
- Turn the steaks only once.
- Place the cooked steak in a warm oven to dry and do not stack them on top of each other.
***This recipe for The Secret to Perfect Chicken Fried Steak was originally published on Loaves and Dishes on July 18, 2017 and has been updated with NEW information!***
“Look at everyone you pass on the street and say a blessing to them. Say, in your mind, just to yourself - not out loud - ‘Hello, God Bless you - whatever you are experiencing - bless you and may God be with you”. That’s what pastor Lisa said in her last sermon to my congregation before she headed off to her new assignment.
Lisa is a known lover of people.
Thanks Pastor Lisa for the time and love you have given Danbury. Peace be with you as you go - and keep on loving.
That lead me to look up some verses on love, and I'm sharing them with you...
- A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. John 13:34.
- Don’t just pretend to love others. Really love them. Hate what is wrong. Hold tightly to what is good. Love each other with genuine affection, and take delight in honoring each other. Romans 12:9-10
- Most important of all, continue to show deep love for each other, for love covers a multitude of sins. 1 Peter 4: 8
- Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples John 13:35
Elizabeth says
There is also a device named "Fast Cutlet Maker V2" that flattens the meat and create a nice cube pattern on it. It's popular in Poland.
Wendi Spraker says
Thanks for the info
Pam says
I am really grateful to the owner of this
website who has shared this enormous piece of writing at at this
Sharolyn says
Wendi, LOVED the recipe for the chicken fried steak AND gravy. I could never get my batter to “stay put”.....and this worked perfectly. It’s a keeper! Also, and most importantly, I love your Christian heart! I agree.....if we would all just SLOW DOWN and look around us, there is so much to see and so much to appreciate and soooo many people that we could be a blessing to (and be blessed by). Keep on keeping on, girl!
Wendi Spraker says
Awwww Sharolyn, you've made my day. Thanks for sharing this. Blessings right back at you!
Sharon says
Wendi, I am your newest subscriber! I loved your variation with the corn meal. Delicious. Thank you. In the ingredient list, the salt for the seasoned flour mixture is missing, although it is mentioned in the step by step directions.
Wendi Spraker says
Hi Sharon! Thanks for letting me know I'll change it when I get back to a desk top computer. Thank you for subscribing!! Welcome!!! So glad to have you!
Maurina says
Is it possible to substitute breadcrumbs instead of cornmeal?
Wendi Spraker says
You can actually leave the cornmeal out if you don't have any. It simply adds some crunch.
Maurina says
Thank You🙂
Rick Hankins says
I couldn't find any cornmeal, so I used some Italian seasoned breadcrumbs. It turned out FANTASTIC!
Wendi Spraker says
I'm glad it turned out. 🙂
Wendi Spraker says
Yes. Sure. 🙂
Sarah Hale says
My husband has been working very long hours and I wanted to surprise him with a comforting meal. Your recipe was perfect! He absolutely loved it. Thank you
Wendi Spraker says
Im so glad! Y'all have a good a restful weekend!
Debbie Jo Miller says
I see that you have mentioned the word Namaste above, and I wanted to let you know that word is Hindu. Hinduism is against the Christ. I understand that you did not know that Namaste has something to do with Hinduism. I am a Christian, and wanted to warn you about it. God's blessings.
Wendi Spraker says
Hi Debbie- good morning. Thanks for the comment. You are correct that Namaste is not of Christian origin. I don't know if you read the rest of what I wrote in my verse to share, but the point is learning to accept others where they are and appreciate them for the person they are - I am sometimes challenged with that. As my pastor said, to see others and say a prayer for their well being without knowing a single thing about them (which is very Christ like, in my opinion since Christ tells us to love one another). The concept of Namaste is to appreciate the humanity in others even if they are different. That was all I was getting at there. A single word (even if from a different culture) sometimes makes a good point. That was all I was saying. I still believe that Christ is our savior 100%. I also believe all that he taught. Peace to you Debbie. 🙂
Cat says
Awww....I love it!...😊
Carie jones says
So well said!!! I too believe 100% in our savior , but just as you explained his commandment is to love !! Thanks so much for your faithful and uplifting words (as well as the awesome steak n gravy!) Namaste sister!
Wendi Spraker says
Namaste sister!
Kim says
I pray daily to be more like Jesus-and less like me. When I go out and about and pray for strangers I pass-I do it because He has led me to and to hopefully save souls from hell. I also pray for their hurt or homelessness etc. It is not because of anything "I" do that their lives may improve-it is God. Also I'd like to share that the word Namaste comes from Sanskrit and it is actually saying "I bow to the divinity in you"--ie the humanistic belief that we are all 'divine' and have God in us--when in fact we are all satan's children unless and until we are saved and then at that point does the Holy Spirit come to live in us and seal us. In my opinion being lazes fair about the redefining of the term namaste our society is trying to do is akin to agreeing with the Pope when he said that God is not divine. Jesus said "He that is not with me is against me and he that gathereth not with me scattereth" matt12:30.....and thanks for this recipe. I LOVE chicken fried steak and less and less places are available that actually cook it. I have not ever made it. I don't 'fry' in oil I have health issues. Ive tried a few things over the yrs but I may have to try to do this. Ive been cooking since I was 8 and I will be 50 in a few months and just this past year did I learn how to make proper gravy! God Bless
Wendi Spraker says
Hi Kim! I’m sorry it has taken me so long to respond, I have had no internet since yesterday due to Hurricane Michael repairs. I hope you really enjoy the chicken fried steak. Enjoy with your gravy! 🙂
Steve says
Best chicken fried steak I have ever made thank you. I made one change I had 4oz of leftover buttermilk that I mixed with the egg and it came out wonderful. This will be my go to from here on out.
Wendi Spraker says
Hi Steve! YOU are a kitchen ROCK STAR!! (That's how it feels when something finally comes out right, right?). Thanks for letting me know! I think the buttermilk sounds perfect and probably gave it a nice little twang! Perfect!
Emalee E Mckinney says
This recipe looks amazing! My breading is always falling off, fingers crossed I do this right! I was wondering if I could somehow prepare things ahead of time so it's not so overwhelming at my craziest time of day? Like, making them and reheating them? Or would that taste awful?
Wendi Spraker says
Hi Emalee! I think you could easily prepare your meat- sprinkle with kosher salt and let sit in a zip lock bag in the fridge until ready to use. Just dry very well with paper towels before starting the breaking process. You could go ahead and fully cook - if you do that, reheat them by baking or by giving a quick "refry". Just don't reheat in the microwave. Microwave usually equals soggy. Of course, they will be best of you eat them while hot and fresh cooked. :). Good luck. The secret is the dry meat - so get it very dry! 🙂
Moxie says
No wonder this has been shared so much! It's perfect! Exactly how I make them!
Crystal says
I really appreciate how you explain the reasons why you do things. Sadly my mother did not learn these things from her mother and I never learned all the secrets to amazing meals.. I have been struggling for the past 5 years with being a new family and trying to make delicious homemade meals. I'm getting better every day but you have made it easy! Thank you!
Wendi Spraker says
Hi Crystal. :). Thank you for the kind words. Sometimes we have to borrow someone else's mama. I explain things because I usually won't do a step in a recipe unless I know exactly why it's needed. Which has led to some terrific cooking failures! I'm just sharing so that you don't go through the same thing. Although I do realize everyone isn't as hard headed as me! Lol. If you need a very simple delicious family dinner I would really recommend the crock pot pot roast I posted a few weeks ago. Delish and so so easy!!
Kaitlyn says
I always wondered why my breaking always fell off when I cooked this. Now I know what I'm gonna cook tonight. Thanks! I had just one question though. Why do you put cornmeal in it? I've never done that!
Wendi Spraker says
Hi Kaitlyn! I put cornmeal in it because my mother and grandmother did!! lol. I guess there is some truth to that. The cornmeal gives it a little extra crunch. If you haven't tried it, give it a go. 🙂
Pam says
Is Pastor Lisa from Joel Osteen Church-I listen to them on TBN and love the quotes you gave.
Wendi Spraker says
Hi Pam! I completely understand your earnest question - but it does make me giggle a little. Mr. Osteen's ministry is in a HUMONGOUS gigantic stadium sized church with literally thousands and thousands of people attending each week. My church, where Pastor Lisa was stationed until very recently, has a membership of less than 100 with about 20-30 people attending each Sunday. That said, you won't find 20-30 people who love each other more. We live way on out here at the end of the earth in rural North Carolina. Keep on keeping on Pam - wishing folks well and for God to bless them, wherever they are and whatever they are doing. 🙂 Can't go wrong like that! 🙂
Penny says
The only thing I'd change is to use fresh ground spelt flour instead of regular white. I have switched to using spelt for my breadings and it is wonderful! Everyone always wants to know what I've done to make it so good!
Wendi Spraker says
Thanks Penny!
Mary says
This is a wonderful post! Oh, that gravy! This is a favorite in my family, pinned this for my granddaughter. She is becoming quite the cook! Pinned this for myself.....for all the great tips and info. We can never have too much information. Thanks for sharing.
Wendi Spraker says
Thank you Mary! I would love to hear more about what your grand daughter is cooking up! Younger kids always come up with things I have never heard of! We can always learn - even from someone so much younger! Thank you for visiting!!!