Anyway, Jesus snaps right back at them pointing out how they themselves have broken a commandment by not honoring their father and mother.
Then, Jesus does something completely BOLD! He calls a group of people around himself and says, basically, โLet me tell yaโll something. It ISNโT what goes into your mouth that defiles you, it is what COMES OUT that defiles youโ. (Iโm taking liberties with Jesusโ words -but the basic idea is there).
Later, the disciples say, โHey Jesus, guess what? The pharisees didnโt like that you said at that public thing thereโ. To which Jesus replied, โPsshhh. Donโt mind them. Every plant that my Father has not planted will be pulled up by the roots. They are blind guides and with the blind leading the blind, both will fall in the ditch soon enoughโ.
Peter then asks Jesus to explain what he meant when he was preaching in the street. Jesus replies, โDonโt yaโll get it? Whatever you put in your mouth goes right on through BUT what comes out of your mouth is an indication of your heartโ He goes on to point out all of the hateful stuff that can come out of your mouth that gives everyone a good look at the contents of your hateful heart.
Having a heart FULL of hatefulness is what makes you rotten, not what you put in your mouth.
Amen Jesus, Amen.
We see that all the time today, donโt we? Jesus gave us a new commandment to love one another as He loved us. I hope we can all delve deep to find that love so that love will be reflected in what we say to one another and how we behave.
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